Take Control Of Your Business And Generate Highly Motivated &

Qualified Agent Recruits With Little To No Money!

Get 30 Leads in The Next 30 Days

Used by Top Broker-Owners & Recruiters!


A Complete Done for You Agent Recruitment System

  • Increase The Agent Growth, Productivity, Profitability, And Retention In Your Real Estate Brokerage

  • Get back to what you do best and WORK ON YOUR BUSINESS instead of WORKING IN IT

Convert More Agents Who Are Ready, Willing, and Able

What You'll Get

  • Custom Branded & Personalized Agent Attraction Website.

  • Done-For-You Landing Pages w/ Items Of Value

  • Free training resources for your agent prospects coming from contribution and delivering value.

  • Lead follow up on autopilot with instant hot lead alerts sent right to your phone

  • Done-For-You Videos: Capture Quality Leads, Optin Required, Video Tracking & Notifications

Also Receive BONUSES...

  • Agent Attraction Playbook ($997 Value)

  • Top 10 Agent Attraction Cheat-sheets. ($797 Value)

  • FREE 30 minute Agent Attraction Breakthrough Call ($497 Value)

Order FormAgents on Autopilot System
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A Complete Done for You Agent Attraction System

What You'll Get

A Ready-Made System For Agent Recruitment

All the tools, Value added resources, done-for-you follow-up & hot leads alert to let you know exactly when agents are ready to make a move

The ONLY system out there for brokers that tip you off when agents are ready to have conversation

All you have to do is call "Ready Agents"

Instantly Build Know, Like, & Trust

By Leading with Value


Lead Imports

Licensed and active agents in your market

$497 Value!

Agent Attraction Website

. Custom Branded

. Leading w/ Value

$1,997 Value!


Lead Magnets

$1,997 Value!


Video Trainings

$2,497 Value!

Custom Landing Pages
. Landing w/ value

. Hot lead alert for instant follow-up

$2,497 Value!

Lead Follow Up

On Autopilot
. Top of Mind Awareness

. No prospect left behind

$1,497 Value!

Video Tracking

Hot Lead Alerts as top prospects warm up, engage, and are ready for your call

Hot Leads Alert
. Mobile App Included

I. dentify top prospects

. Alerts in real time

The ONLY system out there for brokers that tip you off when agents are ready to have conversation

All you have to do is call "Ready Agents"

Instantly Build Know, Like, & Trust

By Leading with Value

The ONLY system out there for brokers that tip you off when agents are ready to have conversation

All you have to do is call "Ready Agents"


Lead Imports

Licensed and active agents in your market

$497 Value!

Agent Attraction Website

. Custom Branded

. Leading w/ Value

$1,997 Value!

Agent Outreach on Autopilot

. Done-For-You Campaigns

. Designed to start a dialogue with those who are open

$3,997 Value!


Lead Magnets

$1,997 Value!


Video Trainings

$2,497 Value!

Custom Landing Pages
. Landing w/ value

. Hot lead alert for instant follow-up

$2,497 Value!

Lead Follow Up

On Autopilot
. Top of Mind Awareness

. No prospect left behind

$1,997 Value!

Video Tracking

Hot Lead Alerts as top prospects warm up, engage, and are ready for your call

Hot Leads Alert
. Mobile App Included

I. dentify top prospects

. Alerts in real time


Lead Imports

Licensed and active agents

in your market

$497 Value!

Agent Attraction Website

  • Custom Branded

  • Leading w/ Value

$1,997 Value!

Agent Outreach on Autopilot

  • Done-For-You Campaigns

  • Designed to start dialogue with those who are open

$3,997 Value!


Lead Magnets

$1,997 Value!


Video Trainings

$2,497 Value!


Landing Pages

  • Landing w/ value

  • Hot lead alerts for instant follow-up

$2,497 Value!

Lead Follow Up

On Autopilot

  • Top of Mind Awareness

  • No prospect left behind

$1,997 Value!

Video Tracking

Hot Lead Alerts

as top prospects warm up, engage and are ready for your call

Hot Lead Alerts

  • Mobile App Included

  • Identify top prospects

  • Real time Aalerts

You'll Also Get The Bonuses



Get Sean's BROKER RECRUITMENT ROADMAP that he uses everyday to recruit agents


agent attraction CHEAT-SHEET

Get Sean's agent attraction cheat-sheet that he used daily to attract 2500+ agents and created a steady stream of income through agent recruitment



A 30 minute strategy call that will help you position yourself and your company for the highest rate of success.

Sound Familiar?

  • You want to grow your agent count but don't know where to start or just don't have the time

  • You are used to doing everything in your business. Even though you know agent recruitment is the foundation of your financial future, you struggle with finding the time

  • Maybe you are dedicating time to recruiting agents but you're getting burnt out from all of the follow up and feel like you are wasting time and maybe even failing

Total Value Of Agents On Autopilot

DFY Lead Imports

Agent Attraction Website

Agent Outreach On Autopilot

DFY Lead Magnets

DFY Video Trainings

Custom Landing Pages

Lead Follow-up On Autopilot

BONUS 1: Broker Recruiting Roadmap

BONUS 2: Agent Recruitment Cheat-sheets

BONUS 3: 30 min Broker Breakthrough Call

Total Value:












DFY Lead Imports

Agent Attraction Website

Agent Outreach On Autopilot

DFY Lead Magnets

DFY Video Trainings

Custom Landing Pages

Lead Follow-up On Autopilot

BONUS 1: Broker Recruiting Roadmap

BONUS 2: Agent Recruitment Cheat-sheets

BONUS 3: 30 min Broker Breakthrough Call











The Opportunity

Agents change

brokerages all the time.

In fact, 15.2% of agents

make a move each year.

The Challenge

The problem is that

we don't know when agents

will decided to switch brokerages.

Agents On Autopilot is a proven system currently being used by top agent recruiters throughout the country...

Get Your Own Proven Agents On Autopilot System To Recruit More Agents In Your Market Immediately!

Agent Attraction Website

Lead Imports

Outreach On Autopilot

Lead Magnets

Follow up on Autopilot

Hot Lead


STOP Spending Needless Hours

Cold Calling Or Chasing Agents Who Aren't Ready

Attract the right agents, right now; without sifting through 1000s of agents who may or may not be open to a conversation

Book agent appointments on autopilot to discuss the opportunity of joining your team/brokerage

Deliver the right message at the right time, and transform your business by becoming an AGENT MAGNET who attracts quality agents, rather than chasing

Stop Chasing

Start Attracting

Recruit More Agents In 90 Days or Less!

  • Agent Attraction Website

  • Lead Imports

  • Done-For-You Agent Lead Magnets

  • Outreach on Autopilot

  • Done-For-You Training Videos

  • Follow up on Autopilot

  • Hot Lead Alerts

  • Broker Recruitment Playbook

  • Agent Attraction Cheat sheets

  • and much more....

What’s Just One More Agent

Recruit Worth To You?

$6,000, $10,000, $20,000 MORE?

If you only did added one more agent per month as a result of this system, you will have

an insanely HUGE RETURN on your investment!

 BUY TODAY for $17,770 ONLY $497

and start signing more agents now!

Our Solution

Our system will keep you top of mind and get your phone ringing without all of the hectic lead follow up that you currently struggle to fit in your schedule. Whether your leads are cold, warm, or red hot; you will know exactly when they are ready with our proprietary AI.


we will pay you $500.

If you aren't generating 30 leads in the first month, That's how confident we are that this works.

Agent Recruitment Simplified

Our proven done for you Agent conversion funnel

✓ Hot lead notifications

Our exclusive video tracker which sends you notifications when your leads watch your videos and how long they watched them for

✓ Nurture your agents for an entire year with text message, email, and messages proven to get agents raising their hands

Access to our value added agent production tools to build instant rapport

✓ CRM with pipeline

Recruit and Retain More Agents

To attract, convert, and retain agents in this competitive market place, you need a funnel. But you don't know where to start

NOW you can Recruit & Retain more agents without all the time intensive lead follow up, zoom calls, virtual and in person events

Our system will get those leads coming to you

We will take your leads from cold to warm to hot to raving fan

All you have to do is check your phone every time we notify you of your hot leads

What if you Don't Take Action Now?

Have you stopped to think about the consequences of not

having a proven system to build your business?


The landscape for attracting real estate agents has become increasingly more competitive


Other brokers are offering more and better tools, better compensation plans and all the while, we have a booming recession that could cut the agent population by 33%.


The fact is that the top agent attractors are already doing it.


if you don't have a proven system for Recruiting agents, you will be left behind



Brokers? Yes

Team Leaders? Yes

Recruiters? Yes

Agent Attractors / Network Owners? Yes

Expansion? Yes

Agents on autopilot works for brokers & agent recruiters no matter how big or small or how long you have been in the business

Imagine a Life Where...

You don't have to worry about when you should be attracting your next agent

You have a truly recession proof business

You've stopped chasing agents and agents have started asking YOU about joining

Does This Sound Like You?

"I am a recruiter, agent attractor, or business owner who is very motivated to recruit agents right now!"

"I am totally overwhelmed by all the random strategies, messages, courses and overhyped offers flooding my inbox and newsfeeds and am looking for a more clear path to reaching my Recruiting goals..."

Don't Take Our Word For It...

© 2023 Funnels & Fire